Workshop on 10/24/2024: The Health Belief Model and Phishing: Determinants of Preventative Security Behaviors
We hosted an exciting workshop in October! This month, we explored the topic of email security with a presentation on “The Health Belief Model and Phishing: Determinants of Preventative Security Behaviors” which was an insightful presentation and discussion led by Dr. Andrew Kalafut.
Dr. Andrew Kalafut founded the Institute for Cybersecurity Education and Research at Grand Valley State University in October 2023, and is currently the director of the institute. Kalafut also serves as an associate professor in the GVSU School of Computing, where he mainly teaches Cybersecurity classes. He earned his Ph.D from Indiana University in 2010. Kalafut’s research interests include network security, authentication, and human factors in Cybersecurity.
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